Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Never 2 Busy to Blog?

The higher powers in blogging say to never let more than 48 hours pass before posting another blog. But let’s look at that. Those powers clearly have already graduated college.

They no longer face end-of-semester papers, group projects and finals. They don’t remember the sweat, the panic, the stress – and that’s just from trying to contact the prof. In desperation, you might write an abbreviated missive of fear: “Finding that research methods are not 'library versus Internet,' but something more. Please advise. Stat!” And the prof will write back, “This is graduate school. You tell me. And don’t worry. You’re doing fine.”

Yes, the rest of us – those not alumni blogosphere rule-makers – still in school spend November and December gambling that we might just pull it off, if we can forget work, families, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and that Thanksgiving dinner for 30 we need to toss together.

Luckily, though, Boomers have an ace up their collective sleeves: We excel at delegation -- or the art of spreading the fun. For example, I could ramble on here, or I could tell you to check out these really cool audio downloads from Techno Granny, whose show connects technology with seniors. Find her at http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=30986&cmd=tc and click on the show that covers your tech question.

Not that you need it. If you are reading this, then count yourself more savvy than my Microsoft Office 2003 program. You already know what a blog is and gauging from the red squiggly lines under the word, Microsoft doesn’t.


Well, for crying out loud. Originally, I named this blog Boomer U, which seemed rather clever at the time. But it’s taken. As if any contortion of the word “Boomer” isn’t. And so in the interest of academic honesty, not to mention not having time for copyright or trademark lawsuits, the name of this blog is Boomer2School.